Thursday 31 October 2013

Design Development Stage (Things i could include)

After gathering all aspects of research and reading my clients brief over, i was inspired more which gave me a better idea of what to include and what not to include in my design development stage.

  • Firstly i really like the colour of Costa's logo and so does my client so i could include this colour scheme throughout all my designs to keep the flow.
  • Secondly i could include a creative way to show the menu of hot and cold drinks such as different shapes of the menu just like coffee island so customers automatically pick it up and look.
  • Thirdly i could include simple but effective text that my client wanted me to add so it can be easily read and also look good at the same time.
  • Lastly i could include my own made imagery to be placed on certain signage to give it a better effect an also more noticeable.  

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Corporate Identity

At this stage we had a deep class discussion as to what is and makes up a corporate identity. We came to a final decision about what makes a corporate identity. Its not just about the branding and the logo as it goes deeper, Its more about the communication that personifies the personality and character of a brand. We looked deeper into the personality aspect and came up with some ideas on what main things company's include to give a positive corporate identity. 
These were the things we came up with:

  • Logo
  • Website
  • Sinage
  • Uniform
  • Straplines
  • Music
  • Colour
  • Employees
  • Furnature
  • Product
  • Building
  • Visual Material (Typeface/Brochers)
Apple is one of the most top brands out there at this stage of time and is an example of a strong corporate identity. This image shows one way how they show and change their personality through their logo.

Monday 21 October 2013

Artist Of Influence

Hannah Firmin

Hannah Firmin is an illustrator, expertised historical and decorative artist, own limited edition prints & artwork for exhibition and many more.

Here this artist uses great creativity in her work which i really like. I feel that using fruits, animals and other objects in her work really set off a formative look which jraws your attention however her designs dont really look modern which makes the images look boring. This artist uses deep and bold colours which i feel makes it stand out and also helps enlightens your mood a little.

The colours bold colours used i might consider in my own design because it really stands out and helps catch the eye.

Alex Broeckel

Alex Broeckel is a professional designer with a background of 12 years as a professional 3D Artist. He spent most of his time building and lighting digital environments for the entertainment industry. He worked as a Lighting Technial Director on famous movies like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban & Roman Polanski’s Oliver Twist.
Here I like this artists type of work because of his unique creativity which really shows in his work. I feel that the digital creativity really stands out and makes you want to see more as his work really is outstanding and interesting. Creating things that are quite bizarre such as adding a tree with some land around a bottle really sets a great effect that goes really well together to create an amazing and rare piece of work.

Having creative images like this would go well on the advertisement posters as they will draw a lot of attention because of the uncommon media used. 
Sam Bevington
Sam Bevington is a London based Illustrator, Designer and sometime Animator
specialising in poster design and custom type.
I quite like this artists work style because of the unique look he presents. I feel that the colours used are great as they are very bright and positive which is great as it catches your eye which then engages you to his work. I feel that putting his designs on newspaper is different but really looks superb because of the creative look it gives. The type used in most of this artists work is nice and bold which makes it easy to read, it is an extra feature that draws attention and also makes his work bounce out at you.
The type used is bold and thick which I may consider in my designs as this feature helps attract attention and also makes no problem when reading.

Sunday 20 October 2013

The Refectory (Now)

This is Central Bedfordshire College's refectory as it stands at this moment of time before the final re-branding.

Here in our refectory as you can see the main colour scheme are shining primary colours. These colours i feel really give the refectory a bright look which does lighten up your mood however the colour used dont suite the purpose nor the audience. My reason for this is that the colours are really intense because of the tone they used which i felt was quite youthful. The refectory is supposed to be a nice place to hang out and eat lunch but i feel the colours dont set of a good environment to make you want to that because they are a little in your face also all the torn posters on the walls make the environment feel cheap and quite immature. The opening and closing times are displayed on a simple piece of A4 paper that has no colour, tedious type with no colour and horrific images which i feel doesn't set no mood which really doesn't make it a welcoming place to be. The menu is also displayed on a simple piece of A4 paper with no colour, boring type with no colour and also no images which i feel doesn't help draw attention from potential customers as it gives no effect and no positive expectations. Right now there is no logo, just a simple red sign that says refectory in white bold type which i feel stands out but looks too simple for the audience the refectory is trying to reach out to.

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Here there are a range of colour experimentation's that i produced on Photoshop to learn the basics of a colour wheel.

First i started off with looking at a basic colour wheel and learning what colours are what and what they are suitable for as these are the colours that i could be using in my final design. After this stage we then had to create our own in pairs which we found a little challenging because we couldn't find the right tone of each colour however it was a great learning process. After understanding the colours we then had to upload a blank colour pattern template to Photoshop and then apply a set of complementary colours. Complementary colours are two colours that are oppersite eachother on the colour wheel so i chose the colour blue and orange. I chose the blue and orange colour scheme because i felt the blue would give it a calm look while the bright orange helping it to loom out. I then had to choose another set of complementary colours to see what other effects it gives. This time i chose the colours yellow and purple. I chose these two colours because the purple looks really mature and healthy while the yellow is very bright and golden which i feel makes it look bold and clean. After understanding complementary colours and how they work we then had to upload one more colour pattern template to Photoshop but this time apply 3 analogous colours. Analogous colours are three colours that are directly beside each other on the colour wheel so i chose one colour to dominate, a second colour to support and a third colour to mix with either grey, white or black which are accent colours. I chose the colour yellow to dominate because it really emerges out which i feel helps catch the eye. I chose the colour yellow green because it looks  natural while looking dynamic with the yellow. The last colour i chose was lime green which i mixed with white to give it a bleached effect. I felt this worked well because it helps the colours in the patterns to stand out while it still looking bright but not overdone.

Menu Designs

Local gourmet carry-out menu with customer supplied logo.

Here on this menu i feel the beige colour used really sets off a mature and professional look as this colour is very immoderate for what they sell which suggests this organisation wants to send a message about their food before there customers get it. I feel that the type used for the titles look really grand because of the italic adjustment. This sets a mood automatically making you think that its creative food you could be ordering. The type for the foods i don't like because it moves away from the grand look the titles give which i feel it doesn't give the effect it could have. 

The menu's in our refectory are complete opposite to the one shown so i will look to add a creative type face and also a quirky logo.

Maharaja’s Haveli as the name suggests, signifies an overall experience to be remembered. Their ideology is to treat every customer like a prince and serve food befitting a Maharaja.

Here on this menu the purple colour scheme is an attractive feature on this design. I feel that this sets a luxurious feel to this menu which suggests that this company takes pride in what they do. I also feel that the lighter purple lines that run throughout this menu look great as they set a more creative look to this menu. Here the gold and white colour scheme of type of the titles go really well on this purple background because they both are complimentary colours which i feel look deluxe which helps them fit really well together. I really like the style of their logo as it stands out on the menu and really has a creative feature. The type of the logo looks great as it has a posh feel to it because of the italic font.

The main font that is used on the menus in our refectory is Arial which i feel is too simple for such an older audience so i will think about using some sort of creative type like this.

Here on the top half of this menu the dark green scheme i feel looks really mature and subtle but i don't really like it as it reminds me of something dirty because of its dullness. The bottom half of this menu's colour scheme is a nice light green which i felt really helps this menu stand out while its not looking too bright which is good for catching the eye. The type used for 'Sip' and 'Eat' on the menu i felt really looks great. My reason for this is because its thick and bold with a handsome style which makes it attractive, clear and easy to read, it also relates to what they serve as sandwiches are thick. The colours used for this are the same colours that are used for the top and bottom half of the menu but in reverse. I felt this was a great idea as they are keeping the same colours which helps the type stand out. The shape of this menu is really quite unique with the squared shape design. I feel this makes it look really interesting to look at and also goes well with their concept of being a coffee shop because they look like coasters.

I may consider creating a unique shape for the menu so i can create a better effect and also make it look even more interesting than the tedious white and black menu's that are displayed in the current refectory.

Eatery/Restaurant Interior Design

Così was founded on the idea that good food will make that journey all the more delicious. From their hand-tossed Signature Salad to their Tomato, Basil, and Mozzarella Sandwich served on delicious warm flatbread, to the comfortable, urbane and contemporary atmosphere, Così is more than a restaurant.

Here in this restaurant i really like the mature bold yellow and orange colour scheme because i feel it looks beautiful and also really sets an intimate feel which humbles the mood before you eat which definitely could be loyal to their target audience. The dark wooden chairs and small tables gives it an old but natural style to the restaurant which goes well with the colour scheme because they both look secure together. I feel that putting a piece of uncommon furniture for seating at the table is a great idea because it fits well with the colour and also would be great for customers as they have somewhere comfy to sit and eat.

The warm and homey feeling in this restaurant is completely different to our refectory as it portrays bright youthful colours that really sets a poor mood.

Starbucks make  sure everything they do honors that connection – from their commitment to the highest quality coffee in the world, to the way they engage with their customers and communities to do business responsibly.

Here i dont really like the way Starbucks prortray their cafe. I feel that the use of feature wallpaper instead of colour really does give it an edgey and uncomfortable feeling because it doesn't set a mood however it does look creative. the dark wooden chairs i feel  has and olden day shape to it which suggests that their target audience might be more towards the elderly. The white colour scheme of the small tables really stands out and i feel it brings a little modernness feel to this location.

The older feeling here isn't what my client is looking for however its quite welcoming for the elderly so i might consider it.

Gaga Deli's Coffee culture has officially hit China, as young urbanites all across the country embrace the lure of enjoying a caffeine infused beverage in stylish surroundings. That said, none are more stylish than Coordination Asia’s creation for Gaga, the  latest deli and eatery in Shenzhen, designed to really wow even the most discerning clientele.

Here i feel that gaga deli went wild with their unique interior design from top to bottom. I feel that the light beige wooden walls and the brown colour scheme fit really well together as it really gives it a luxurious feel because its a deep colour that makes you think of chocolate. The long wooden table looks very natural and also modern as the wood looks quite expensive because of its sleek look. Using chopped up logs as seating i feel isn't really a good idea as it possibly lacks comfort which is not great for customers however they have  comfy deluxe mint green seating around the sides which i feel goes well with the other colours around it purely because it gives a stronger contrast.

The colours used here give more of a luxurious feel so i might consider this as it may help with the way students treat the refectory.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

College/Uni Interior Design

Easton and Otely college refectory is one of five eating outlets on Easton College's campus. It is situated in the Sports Centre and serves breakfast and lunch.

Here in this refectory the walls have bright and vibrant colours. I feel that this is a great advantage because it  really stands out which makes the place light up and shine. It also helps the room to look bigger and also creates a happy summers mood which is good for there target audience. I feel the creative shape chairs looks quite modern because of the light wooden tone and the unique construction, however the small wooden tables look really standard and plain which doesn't make it too cozy.

I feel that this colour scheme could work really well in our refectory purely because of the happy feel it sets off.

St Mary's University College officially opened their refectory  after being refurbished in 2008. Their refectory seats up to 550 with a buffet style servery which is ideal for conference catering.

Here in this refectory they went for a very stylish design. The refectory's atrium and French windows give the venue a light, spacious feel while still keeping it mature and professional. I feel that using the colour white on their walls wasn't a great choice as it makes the space feel cold and empty however it does make it look spacious. I feel the blue chairs set a great look to the refectory not only because its mature, it sets a great atmosphere because its a very calm colour. The white tables don't go with the white walls because yet again it feels bleak however if the walls were to be changed to the colour blue the tables would set a very sophisticated impression.

I could use this type of colour scheme when i start designing because i feel the canteen would look professional instead of the bright colours that look less mature.

West Thames College Isleworth Campus's refectory is located next to the student common room area and serves a variety of hot and cold meals, snacks, drinks and confectionery. Students can also grab hot drinks and snacks from the Atrium Cafe.

Here in this refectory the colour scheme of the walls are red blue and green which i quite like but i feel it still portrays the childlike feature that i want to move away from however these primary colours are bright and stand out very well which can enlighten your mood. The colour scheme of the chairs really stand out in this refectory. i feel it looks natural and gives a sense of purity because it reminds me of leaves however i feel this colour don't go well with the walls because the colour looks too sour rather than subtle. The tables have a very light wooden complexion which i feel go well with the the colour scheme of the chairs because the colour is light.

Primary colours are already used in our college refectory which i will be moving away from more into some professional mature and also luxurios colours

Primary Research

The Gary Cooper

 'The Gary Cooper' logo is quite a basic logo but it still stands out. The shining orange colour scheme for the logo i feel is a considerable colour as it can be seen from a distance which can help as it may be the first eatery the eye catches from a potential customer. I feel that the type looks really boring which doesn't complete the effect however its easy to read which when on the move could be spotted.
 The opening and closing times are displayed on the door with two bright colours. The yellow being primary and the green being secondary which i feel makes it very noticeable and creative which makes it easy for customers to know what time its open and what time it closes. The colour scheme of the type are black and white. I feel that the black type on a yellow background really makes it hard to miss as it is a bright and bold colour and has no contrast with yellow which makes them go well together. I feel that the white type on a green backgrond also makes it stand out as white has no contrast with green which helps this achieve a great look. The type used looks quite quirky and stylish however its not all the same which makes it a little confusing but the overall look looks attractive because of the bold type.
The menu doesn't have any creativity towards it as there are no images or any blazing colour. The bleached green colour scheme really gives it a cheap look which i feel doesn't give a good effect for what they provide.The type is quite small and compact which makes it hard when reading. The black colour scheme of the type i feel makes this menu look basic as it is boring because on this menu its not really appealing as there is not much colour.

The Old Sugar Loaf
 'The Old Sugar Loaf' logo looks very bleak and old fashioned. The types gold colour scheme I feel is a great choice because its a unique and luxurious colour that makes this logo look professional and rich. I feel that the type used for this logo has great features such as the serif edges which gives this logo a aged look to it which works well on the black background.

Here is some signage outside The Old Sugar Loaf on the wall. The orange and purple colour scheme are both secondary colours which  feel really works well together. My reason for this is because the orange really makes it stand out which is great as it helps draw customers attention while the purple giving it a mature look which gives it a welcoming feel. The typeface is very clear and goes with the signage with its serif font which i feel was good as it helps there identity flow.

Here is a menu that was displayed at 'The Old Sugar Loaf'. The purple colour scheme is a great modern colour to use for this purpose as its not too bright but still stands out and makes this menu look attractive and professional. The green and yellow colour boxes on the inside of the menu stand out. I feel this is great use of creativity as this helps attract customers eyes towards that part of the menu which can help increase purchase of those foods. The different typefaces used on the front of the menu really is unique, my reason for this is because it looks interesting. Its something that is different which could help draw a great deal of attention and makes you want to read and then look inside. The overall design of this menu i feel is very creative. The use of images to advertise their food sets an outstanding and professional look which really could help attract the eye of customers as it looks delicious.

Cafe Espresso Bar
The 'Cafe Espresso Bar' logo looks very standard and plain. The types grey colour scheme i felt looks bland and also depressing as it doesn't advertise the logo because of its lack of brightness and creative colour which i feel isn't helpful if your trying to draw in a lot of customers. The grey colour scheme on the blue background really doesn't show any creativity as they both are dull colours which can make the type harder to read from a distance. The blue background  colour scheme i felt works well. My reason for this is because it looks professional and also gives this signage a calm and relaxing effect which puts you in a peaceful mood before entering. 

Here is a menu that was displayed at 'Cafe Espresso Bar'. This menu is nothing like the other menu's i came accross in the other eatery locations. It shows no colour which i feel makes it look depressing to look at and also unattractive which was more like the ones shown in the refectory. The typeface and the typeface colour are both standard and boring which doesnt help lift up your mood when it comes to purchasing food. The simple images help give a better effect as it shows what they provide however the setting of these images really don't look professional.

Here are the opening and closing times for the 'Cafe Espresso Bar'. This also shows no colour which i feel doesnt help towards the attraction which gives the shop a cheap and bland feel to its outlook which isn't great for gaining customers. The typeface and typeface colour are also basic which gives it a lifeless perspective however its bold which makes it clear and easy to read. 


.The Australian Coffee Group or ACG was founded in 2003 by Justin Harvey and David Peters. ACG currently owns and operates four cafes in the capital of Australia, Canberra.

There logo is quite plain but effective and relates well with what there company is about. The image they used for their logo looks like a coffee plant in a jar which i feel is a creative way of expressing coffee. I feel that having the coffee plant in the jar makes it look as though the coffee is fresh and that its not cheap. The san serif type gives the logo an old feel however it fits well with what its showing.

When designing the type for the logo i feel this logo could be used at the back of type to give it a creative and unique look which is what my client is looking for.
Sefa Kitchen is an Australian restaurant who use local, seasonal ingredients and offer modern interpretation of the food traditions of the middle east. 

Here the logo is shaped as an octagon which i feel is a creative shape to use for a logo as its neat and unique which makes it stand out. I feel the background colour in the logo really does got well for a restaurant because it looks really mature and calm however it doesn't really stand out. The gold outlines on the text and shape looks classy and professional because it goes well with the purple as they are both calm but mature colours. I feel the text used doesn't look too great as it gives an old effect to the logo however its bold which makes it clear and easy to read. 

My client likes Costa Coffee style and i feel this logo relates well because they both have mature colours so when i add colour to my logo i will bare this in mind.

Starbucks is an American Global coffee Company and Coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks serve hot and cold beverages, whole-bean coffee, micro ground instant coffee, full-leaf teas, pastries, and snacks.

 Here the logo is shaped as a simple circle, this makes the logo look a little plain however it looks really neat as there are no edges. I feel that using the colour green on the outside and black on the inside was a respectable choice because the black stands out and the green looks healthy, they also go well together as they don't clash. The type on this logo is very bold which i feel is key because it really does stand out as it is thick. The colour of the type is plain however it sits well with the green background and also helps it to catch the eye. The design of the human in the middle i really think is an attractive feature, i feel it gives a great look on the logo because its different.

My client wants something quite quirky so having an attractive feature in my logo i feel will link with what she wants.

Hungry House is a UK based portal for the online ordering of takeaway food. It allows users to browse local takeaway menus online using reviews from other customers to help make their choice.

This logo really caught my eye because of the funky design. I feel that using forks to create eyes and having a smile underneath was a creative idea because it works in both ways such as a happy face and a dinner plate. I felt that this was unique because it still links with the concept of food. The colour red used really looks great as it makes the logo stand out because it looks bright. This is more what my client Wendy is looking for. The type used is a little simple however having the two 'h' with long lines really gives it a unique effect which helps it to stand out a lot. 

The name of this is really simple but catchy and also includes alliteration. When thinking of a name i feel alliteration would be a good option as it helps keeping it catchy and also memorable which is what my client is looking for.

Subway is a very popular American restaurant franchise owned by Doctor’s Associates, Inc. Being the largest food chain in the world, it primarily sells submarine sandwiches and salads, operating in more than 36,804restaurants in 100 countries around the world.

This logo is simply creative and attractive to look at. My reasons for this is firstly the way they placed the arrows at the end of the two letters gives it a unique and outstanding look that automatically attracts you to this logo. I feel that these arrows help make this logo memorable because the word 'sub' suggests something being taken away and here the arrow is facing away, the word 'way' could be a short term of saying away and here the arrow is facing forward which suggests somethings moving forward. Both suggesting if your up or down subway is the one. The white and yellow colour scheme on this logo really go well together because they don't clash. they are both bright and stand out which i feel is reliable because it helps catch the eyes of customers. The dark green outline highlights the area around the type which i feel sets a bold look and really does help it to be noticeable.

When designing the refectory logo i may consider applying an outline to really bring out the type a lot better and help it to be noticeable.