Wednesday 23 October 2013

Corporate Identity

At this stage we had a deep class discussion as to what is and makes up a corporate identity. We came to a final decision about what makes a corporate identity. Its not just about the branding and the logo as it goes deeper, Its more about the communication that personifies the personality and character of a brand. We looked deeper into the personality aspect and came up with some ideas on what main things company's include to give a positive corporate identity. 
These were the things we came up with:

  • Logo
  • Website
  • Sinage
  • Uniform
  • Straplines
  • Music
  • Colour
  • Employees
  • Furnature
  • Product
  • Building
  • Visual Material (Typeface/Brochers)
Apple is one of the most top brands out there at this stage of time and is an example of a strong corporate identity. This image shows one way how they show and change their personality through their logo.

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