Wednesday 16 October 2013


Here there are a range of colour experimentation's that i produced on Photoshop to learn the basics of a colour wheel.

First i started off with looking at a basic colour wheel and learning what colours are what and what they are suitable for as these are the colours that i could be using in my final design. After this stage we then had to create our own in pairs which we found a little challenging because we couldn't find the right tone of each colour however it was a great learning process. After understanding the colours we then had to upload a blank colour pattern template to Photoshop and then apply a set of complementary colours. Complementary colours are two colours that are oppersite eachother on the colour wheel so i chose the colour blue and orange. I chose the blue and orange colour scheme because i felt the blue would give it a calm look while the bright orange helping it to loom out. I then had to choose another set of complementary colours to see what other effects it gives. This time i chose the colours yellow and purple. I chose these two colours because the purple looks really mature and healthy while the yellow is very bright and golden which i feel makes it look bold and clean. After understanding complementary colours and how they work we then had to upload one more colour pattern template to Photoshop but this time apply 3 analogous colours. Analogous colours are three colours that are directly beside each other on the colour wheel so i chose one colour to dominate, a second colour to support and a third colour to mix with either grey, white or black which are accent colours. I chose the colour yellow to dominate because it really emerges out which i feel helps catch the eye. I chose the colour yellow green because it looks  natural while looking dynamic with the yellow. The last colour i chose was lime green which i mixed with white to give it a bleached effect. I felt this worked well because it helps the colours in the patterns to stand out while it still looking bright but not overdone.

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