Sunday 20 October 2013

The Refectory (Now)

This is Central Bedfordshire College's refectory as it stands at this moment of time before the final re-branding.

Here in our refectory as you can see the main colour scheme are shining primary colours. These colours i feel really give the refectory a bright look which does lighten up your mood however the colour used dont suite the purpose nor the audience. My reason for this is that the colours are really intense because of the tone they used which i felt was quite youthful. The refectory is supposed to be a nice place to hang out and eat lunch but i feel the colours dont set of a good environment to make you want to that because they are a little in your face also all the torn posters on the walls make the environment feel cheap and quite immature. The opening and closing times are displayed on a simple piece of A4 paper that has no colour, tedious type with no colour and horrific images which i feel doesn't set no mood which really doesn't make it a welcoming place to be. The menu is also displayed on a simple piece of A4 paper with no colour, boring type with no colour and also no images which i feel doesn't help draw attention from potential customers as it gives no effect and no positive expectations. Right now there is no logo, just a simple red sign that says refectory in white bold type which i feel stands out but looks too simple for the audience the refectory is trying to reach out to.

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