Tuesday 15 October 2013

Primary Research

The Gary Cooper

 'The Gary Cooper' logo is quite a basic logo but it still stands out. The shining orange colour scheme for the logo i feel is a considerable colour as it can be seen from a distance which can help as it may be the first eatery the eye catches from a potential customer. I feel that the type looks really boring which doesn't complete the effect however its easy to read which when on the move could be spotted.
 The opening and closing times are displayed on the door with two bright colours. The yellow being primary and the green being secondary which i feel makes it very noticeable and creative which makes it easy for customers to know what time its open and what time it closes. The colour scheme of the type are black and white. I feel that the black type on a yellow background really makes it hard to miss as it is a bright and bold colour and has no contrast with yellow which makes them go well together. I feel that the white type on a green backgrond also makes it stand out as white has no contrast with green which helps this achieve a great look. The type used looks quite quirky and stylish however its not all the same which makes it a little confusing but the overall look looks attractive because of the bold type.
The menu doesn't have any creativity towards it as there are no images or any blazing colour. The bleached green colour scheme really gives it a cheap look which i feel doesn't give a good effect for what they provide.The type is quite small and compact which makes it hard when reading. The black colour scheme of the type i feel makes this menu look basic as it is boring because on this menu its not really appealing as there is not much colour.

The Old Sugar Loaf
 'The Old Sugar Loaf' logo looks very bleak and old fashioned. The types gold colour scheme I feel is a great choice because its a unique and luxurious colour that makes this logo look professional and rich. I feel that the type used for this logo has great features such as the serif edges which gives this logo a aged look to it which works well on the black background.

Here is some signage outside The Old Sugar Loaf on the wall. The orange and purple colour scheme are both secondary colours which  feel really works well together. My reason for this is because the orange really makes it stand out which is great as it helps draw customers attention while the purple giving it a mature look which gives it a welcoming feel. The typeface is very clear and goes with the signage with its serif font which i feel was good as it helps there identity flow.

Here is a menu that was displayed at 'The Old Sugar Loaf'. The purple colour scheme is a great modern colour to use for this purpose as its not too bright but still stands out and makes this menu look attractive and professional. The green and yellow colour boxes on the inside of the menu stand out. I feel this is great use of creativity as this helps attract customers eyes towards that part of the menu which can help increase purchase of those foods. The different typefaces used on the front of the menu really is unique, my reason for this is because it looks interesting. Its something that is different which could help draw a great deal of attention and makes you want to read and then look inside. The overall design of this menu i feel is very creative. The use of images to advertise their food sets an outstanding and professional look which really could help attract the eye of customers as it looks delicious.

Cafe Espresso Bar
The 'Cafe Espresso Bar' logo looks very standard and plain. The types grey colour scheme i felt looks bland and also depressing as it doesn't advertise the logo because of its lack of brightness and creative colour which i feel isn't helpful if your trying to draw in a lot of customers. The grey colour scheme on the blue background really doesn't show any creativity as they both are dull colours which can make the type harder to read from a distance. The blue background  colour scheme i felt works well. My reason for this is because it looks professional and also gives this signage a calm and relaxing effect which puts you in a peaceful mood before entering. 

Here is a menu that was displayed at 'Cafe Espresso Bar'. This menu is nothing like the other menu's i came accross in the other eatery locations. It shows no colour which i feel makes it look depressing to look at and also unattractive which was more like the ones shown in the refectory. The typeface and the typeface colour are both standard and boring which doesnt help lift up your mood when it comes to purchasing food. The simple images help give a better effect as it shows what they provide however the setting of these images really don't look professional.

Here are the opening and closing times for the 'Cafe Espresso Bar'. This also shows no colour which i feel doesnt help towards the attraction which gives the shop a cheap and bland feel to its outlook which isn't great for gaining customers. The typeface and typeface colour are also basic which gives it a lifeless perspective however its bold which makes it clear and easy to read. 

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