Wednesday 16 October 2013

Menu Designs

Local gourmet carry-out menu with customer supplied logo.

Here on this menu i feel the beige colour used really sets off a mature and professional look as this colour is very immoderate for what they sell which suggests this organisation wants to send a message about their food before there customers get it. I feel that the type used for the titles look really grand because of the italic adjustment. This sets a mood automatically making you think that its creative food you could be ordering. The type for the foods i don't like because it moves away from the grand look the titles give which i feel it doesn't give the effect it could have. 

The menu's in our refectory are complete opposite to the one shown so i will look to add a creative type face and also a quirky logo.

Maharaja’s Haveli as the name suggests, signifies an overall experience to be remembered. Their ideology is to treat every customer like a prince and serve food befitting a Maharaja.

Here on this menu the purple colour scheme is an attractive feature on this design. I feel that this sets a luxurious feel to this menu which suggests that this company takes pride in what they do. I also feel that the lighter purple lines that run throughout this menu look great as they set a more creative look to this menu. Here the gold and white colour scheme of type of the titles go really well on this purple background because they both are complimentary colours which i feel look deluxe which helps them fit really well together. I really like the style of their logo as it stands out on the menu and really has a creative feature. The type of the logo looks great as it has a posh feel to it because of the italic font.

The main font that is used on the menus in our refectory is Arial which i feel is too simple for such an older audience so i will think about using some sort of creative type like this.

Here on the top half of this menu the dark green scheme i feel looks really mature and subtle but i don't really like it as it reminds me of something dirty because of its dullness. The bottom half of this menu's colour scheme is a nice light green which i felt really helps this menu stand out while its not looking too bright which is good for catching the eye. The type used for 'Sip' and 'Eat' on the menu i felt really looks great. My reason for this is because its thick and bold with a handsome style which makes it attractive, clear and easy to read, it also relates to what they serve as sandwiches are thick. The colours used for this are the same colours that are used for the top and bottom half of the menu but in reverse. I felt this was a great idea as they are keeping the same colours which helps the type stand out. The shape of this menu is really quite unique with the squared shape design. I feel this makes it look really interesting to look at and also goes well with their concept of being a coffee shop because they look like coasters.

I may consider creating a unique shape for the menu so i can create a better effect and also make it look even more interesting than the tedious white and black menu's that are displayed in the current refectory.

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